Sunday, 25 May 2014

Finding the Best Hotel Rooms and Getting Free Hotel Upgrades

This article is focused on some travel tips on how to get the best room on the property whatever your destination. If you are going to spend the money why not get the best bang for your buck with one of the best hotel rooms?
Now all you fanatic tourists will appreciate this story - when I check into a hotel my husband goes straight to the bar to wait while I find the right room which usually means at least one room change... here is how to get the right room the first time or manage an upgrade.
·         Do the research about the best hotel rooms before you book. Someone like trip advisor has an actual link called 'see which rooms travellers prefer' right below the Traveller Rating chart when you are on a hotel page. See an example at Use this info to find the specific room that suits you.
·         MOST IMPORTANT, when you know what room you want call the hotel the night before your stay (not before this as they will not have assigned you a room yet and you need to be in the system so they can actually get you in the room you want). Some hotels have a 1-800 number and if not it is worth the couple dollars long distance charge - I promise you this works, but you have to be sweet as pie! When you call ask their name, say you will come visit them at the front desk to say 'hi' and bring little trinkets to give away as it is a nice gesture.
·         OK I am the queen of upgrades and again it is all about being nice and respectful. If you are not happy with your room be polite and ask what other options there are based on what you want. I was on my honeymoon at a very nice resort and they showed me 4 rooms around the property via golf cart - the sun was actually going down when I was still not 'feeling' the rooms - they were so kind and I was so apologetic and finally they gave me an upgrade on the hill in a suite - it just took patience and being kind and of course making the request. Don't be shy to ask.
So take the time to find the right room and you won't have any 'hotel room envy' of the other guests with better views and bigger rooms!
Looking for more free travel tips and hotel reviews? Come on over and join us at Fanatic Tourist. All hotel reviews all in one place.

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